6th Congress of the Balkan Association of Orthodontic Specialists & 3rd International Symposium of Orthodontics 6-8 October 2022 Tirana, Albania For more details please visit http://www.e-baos.org
Read more →Dear friends and colleagues, It is my great honor to invite you to the 98th Congress of the European Orthodontic Society, which will take place in Oslo, Norway June 11-15, 2023. The scientific program offers a range of topics that will be of interest to all participants.
Read more →(Македонски) 9тиот Конгрес на Македонското стоматолошко друштво со меѓународно учество, кој ќе се одржи од 15ти до 18ти септември 2022 година во Охрид, Хотел Метропол – Метропол Лејк Ресорт. Конгресот претставува извонредна можност за стручно надоградување и дружење на колегите од сите стоматолошки специјалности, специјализанти и студенти на постдипломски студии, со внимателно одбрана програма и предавачи кои ќе ги споделат своето искуство и сознанија од нивната професионална и научна работа.
Read more →Macedonian Orthodontic Society, as part of annual activities prepare and organize two symposia for 2021. Faced with the challenges posed by Covid 19 pandemic, the first symposium this year scheduled May 8th , we are organizing (as same as last year) on-line through the ZOOM platform.
Read more →5th Congress of Balkan Association of Orthodontic Specialists in Belgrade, from 25-28 November, 2021
We are informing you that Serbian Orthodontic Society has the honor to host the 5th National Symposium associated with the 5th Congress of Balkan Association of Orthodontic Specialists in Belgrade, from 25-28 November, 2021. Given a new pandemic situation, organizing committee had to make a hard decision
Read more →Macedonian Orthodontic Society, as part of annual activities prepare and organize two symposia for 2021. Faced with the challenges posed by Covid 19 pandemic, the first symposium this year scheduled May 8th , we are organizing (as same as last year) on-line through the ZOOM platform.
Read more →Macedonian Orthodontic Society, as part of annual activities prepare and organize two symposia for 2021. Faced with the challenges posed by Covid 19 pandemic, the first symposium this year scheduled May 8th , we are organizing (as same as last year) on-line through the ZOOM platform.
Read more →2021 SIDO-AIDOR International Spring Meeting and Future Events Due to the COVID-19 emergency, the 2021 SIDO-AIDOR International Spring Meeting has been postponed to July 16-17, as reported on our website www.sido.it
Read more →XVII. International Congress of Turkish Orthodontics Society virtually 12-14 March, 2021. “Orthodontics in a Changing World”
Read more →(Македонски) Здружението на специјалисти по ортодонција при МСД, како дел од своите редовни активности организира ON-LINE симпозиум со меѓународно учество на ден 12.12.2020 (почеток во 11 часот) со наслов: “Ран ортодонтски третман – придобивка за правилна функција и естетика “
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