5th Congress of Balkan Association of Orthodontic Specialists in Belgrade, from 25-28 November, 2021

We are informing you that Serbian Orthodontic Society has the honor to host the 5th National Symposium associated with the 5th Congress of Balkan Association of Orthodontic Specialists in Belgrade, from 25-28 November, 2021.

Given a new pandemic situation, organizing committee had to make a hard decision to start with the organization of virtual events.

Serbia is known as a country of great hospitality, rich historical heritage and numerous natural beauties. Belgrade, as its capital, is an open multicultural and vibrant city, the bright symbol that is inviting all our friends to join us and exchange knowledge.

This reunion should definitely be the best way to build ourselves as better clinicians because our patients deserve that.

The motto of the 5th BAOS congress ”Knowledge brings light“reminds us one more time that without permanent need to learn we stay in darkness.

We will learn how to use mini screws in everyday orthodontic practice, how to use fixed functional appliances in correction of class II malocclusion. We will meet principles of class III treatment in correlation with patients age, advantages and disadvantages of invisalign technique in comparison to straight wire technique.

We will be introduced to the Tweed Merrifield philosophy in treatment of class II malocclusion.

The congress is designed to emphasize a multidisciplinary approach with special attention to cooperation between orthodontist and periodontist. The idea was to highlight guidance of orthodontic treatment according to biological principles in function of periodontal health and stability of the results.

Our distinguished speakers from United States of America, Canada, Mexico, Italy, Germany, Poland and whole Balkan region will present the evidence-based orthodontics, standards of diagnostic procedures, and interdisciplinary treatment protocols from a new perspective!

Join us to learn together!

Ass. Prof. dr Predrag Janošević DDS, MS, PhD,DSc
President of the Balkan Assotiation of Orthodontic Specialists

BAOS 2021 Official website

2021_BAOS official flyer

BAOS 2021 speakers


MOS – Macedonian Orthodontic Society

st. Vodnjanska 17
1000 Skopje, North Macedonia

Phone: +389 (0)2 3092841
Mobile: +389 (0)70 308989
E-meil: info@mos.org.mk

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