Prof. Gabrela
Kjurchieva Chuchkova DDS, PhD
Dear colleagues,
Dear friends,
It is my great pleasure to wish you a sincere and cordial welcome to the 5th Congress of the Macedonian Orthodontic Society with International Participation, which will be held from September 26th to 29th in our pearl, the beautiful ancient Ohrid, the city under the Samuel Towers, the city of 365 churches, the city in which created and educated Saints Clement and Naum, Saints Cyril and Methodius’s pupils.
We also invite you to celebrate the double jubilee together. And it was not by chance that we chose both the city and the hotel as a venue of the congress. Exactly in this same place, Ohrid, Hotel Granit, 15 years ago the First Congress of the Macedonian Orthodontic Society with International Participation was held, which left indelible traces, and is still remembered by numerous participants.
From then on began a very successful story dreamed up and worked hard by a small group of young enthusiasts. And the dream came true. To this day, they still enthusiastically continue at the same pace, to maintain the respectable level.
During the four days of the Congress, you will have opportunity to learn from the best worldwide speakers from their presentations related to the main topic of the Congress “Excellence in Orthodontics – through diagnostics, treatment techniques, results and ethics”. We believe you will find answers to many of your questions and dilemmas that you face in daily clinical practice, but also from a scientific aspect, you will realize the achievements in our profession.
We will be especially pleased to see among the participants a large number of young people who will have the opportunity to hear the latest developments in our esteemed profession from the eminent Invited lecturers. We believe, at the same time, it will be a strong motive for active participation in the activities of the Society, as this reality would continue further, even stronger and more numerous.
In addition to the scientific, we have prepared a program that includes exploring the local culture and cuisine, entertainment and socializing that we expect will make your stay in Ohrid truly unforgettable!
Warm regards,
Prof. Gabriela Kjurchieva Chuchkova, Phd
President of the Congress